Rhipsalis alboareolata Ritter, Kakteen in Sudamerika, p? 1979-80
Treated by B&T in Bradleya 13/1995 as a synonym of R. teres
Primo arbuscula, erecta, deinde 1-2 m pendula de arboribus, multi-ramata;
truncus 10-35 cm longus, cylindricus, 5-7 mm crassus, vertex prior 2-9(-18)
ramulas 3-10 cm longas angulis acutis formans, vertices posteriores
ramulis minoribus et brevioribus consistentes, ramulae postremae teretes,
1 ad complures cm longae, 1,5-2,5 mm crassae, claro virides,in coniunctionibus
et circum areolas rubrae; costae applanatae, 6-7, discretae; areolae
orbiculares, non immersae, ca 1/3 mm diam., minimis squamulis rubris,
lana alba et plerumque 1-2 saetis brevibus praeditae, 15-40 mm inter
se remotae; flores in terminis ramarum vel paulum inferiores, ca 9 mm
longi, nascentes supra areolas, quasi non immersi; ovarium paucis squamulis
rubris praeditum; nectaria alba, disciformia; stamina alba, iuxta nectaria
in ovario inserta; stylus et 2 stigmata alba; petala interna 2-3, alba
terminis rubellis, concava, 4 mm longa, 2 mm lata, externa 2, minores,
viridula; fructus parvus, pallide purpureus; semina ca 1,0 mm longa,
0,4 mm lata, 0,3 mm crassa, testa brunneolonigra, nitida, sublevia,
hilum obliquum, longum, album; habitat BERLIN propinque CORVO, Rio Grande
do Sul, Brasilia.
- Plant epiphytic, at first upright, later with many,
to 2 m hanging shoots; the stem to 5-7 mm thick and about 10-35 cm
- Stem round; at the end in the same whorl with 2-9,
rarely to 18 acute-angled spreading branches, usually originating
about 1 cm under it. After 3-10 cm another whorl with usually 4-7
branches, occasionally also 2-3 or individually in rows; in even shorter
distances follows with 2-5 branches; the endbranch is to more than
1cm long and 1.5-2.5 mm thich, stem round, erect, the ends not clubshaped;
with more light the whorl has many branches and the stems are thick,
with little light you find it only trichotomous or dichotomous branching
or single rows, and the branches are very thin, the bushes much longer
hanging; branch color bright green, only red at the branching positions
and about the scales.
- Ribs usually unable to recognize, after the areoles
are 6-7 discreet ribs.
- Areoles round, about 1/3 mm diam, in slight depressions
of the discreet ribs, with tiny spread, above acuminate red scales,
which barely covers the areole; the white tomentum with 1-2 fine,
almost adjacent whitish bristles, the end branch bristle free; the
areoles 15-40 mm apart, the youngest limbs with the shortest distances.
- Flowers at the end of the branches or a little
deeper, about 9 mm long, 8-10 mm opening wide; the flowers on the
primary areoles; the following flowers do not open as far and are
much smaller from the older areole
- Ovary sometimes over 2 mm long, with few small
red scales.
- Nectary white, discus shaped on the ovary; near
the base a light nectar-furrow.
- Stamens outside from the nectaries on the fruit
erect, about 4 mm long, white,
anthers white.
- Style 5.5 mm long, white, with 2 white, 1 mm long
extended stigma lobes.
- Tepals inner only 3 or 2, white, tips reddish,
4 mm long, 2 mm wide, concave, acuminate, wider below; the 2 outer
ones small, shorter and greenish.
- Fruit small, pale purplish.
- Seeds about 1.0 mm long, 0.4 mm wide, 0.3 mm thick,
widest in the middle, somewhat tapering at both ends, dorsal curved,
ventral not wavy; Testa brownish-black, shiny, almost smooth; Hilum
crooked to the ventral-side, long, white narrowly flat.
- Type Berlin, near Corvo, Rio Grande do Sul; is
located also in the same State near Jansen, near Montenegro and near
Guaiba. I discovered it in 1964. No. FR 1286.
Fig. 16 an example in culture, a descendant from Guaiba.