Pfeiffera asuntapatense (Kessler, Ibisch, & Barthlott) R Bauer
Cact. Syst. Init. 20: 6. 2005
Lepismium asuntapatense Kessler, lbisch & Barthlott Bradleya
18/2000 p13,14

asuntapatense sp. nov. similis est L. boliviano sed differt in characteribus
sequentibus: margo segmenti caulis aliquantum convexus, arolae amplae
et lanatae cum spinis brevis inconspicuisque in caulibus veteribus,
flores homogene vividi aurantiaci, flores compactiores campanulati
tepalis latioribus et minus expansis.
Bolivia, Dpto. La Paz, Prov. J. Bautista Saavedra M., Pauji-Yuyo,
entre Apolo y Charazani, 15°02'30"S, 68°29'W, 1,300 m,
6.6.1997, Kessler 9800 (holo. LPB, iso. GOET, K); ibid. cult. GOET,
- Pendent
epiphyte to up to 1.5 m long, branching mesotonically;
- Stem-segments
of indeterminate growth, flattened, 25-30 mm wide, up to 4 mm thick
and up to 40 cm long, margins convex with noticeably raised areolar
- Areoles
2.5-4 cm apart, areolar wool-mass dense, white, 3 mm high and 3-4
mm in diameter, spines undeveloped except with age, subtending leaves
not visible;
- Epidermis
smooth, slightly shiny, dark green.
- Flowers
single, lateral, campanulate, 10-15 mm in diameter when dry and
14-19 mm in alcohol material, 7-10 (alcohol: 11-15) mm long;
- Pericarpel
2-3 (2-5) mm long and wide, 3-5angular, occasionally with tiny woolly
areoles, orange, bract-scales 1-2 (1-2) mm long and wide, obtuse
to subacute;
- Bracteoles
appressed, obtuse to acute, 0.5-1.5 (0.5-2) mm long and wide, orange;
- Outer
tepals ovate to obovate, 2-6 (3-8) mm long, 2-4 (3-6) mm
wide, obtuse, slightly mucronate, bright orange (to red, ex situ
in Santa Cruz);
- Inner
tepals 8-10, oblong-ovate, obtuse, slightly mucronate,
7-9 (8-11) mm long, 3.5-5 (4-7) mm wide, bright orange (to red,
ex situ in Santa Cruz);
- Stamens
35-50, filaments 3-4 (4-5) mm long, pale orange, anthers cream;
- Style
c. 5 mm long, cream, stigma with 4 recurved lobes, pure
- Fruits
and seeds not known.
- Range:
Very small. Endemic to Bolivia. Distribution in Bolivia: So far
known only from the type locality in humid montane rain forest
- Altitudinal
range: 1,000-1,350 m
- Epiphytism:
Obligatory. ZJ 3-4 (hanging). Flowers: Cultivated specimens flowered
in November to December (in Bolivia), and in February (Germany).
Conservation value and status in Bolivia: 32+2+0+8+2=44; not endangered
but merits special national attention and monitoring.
Notes: This species is most closely related to L. bolivianum.
However, it differs in that it has convex rather than concave stem-segment
margins, very large woolly areoles with short inconspicuous spines
in older stems, homogenously bright orange flowers (vs. whitish
flowers with varying degrees of pink, reddish or orange tinges),
and broader, less spreading tepals which lead to a more compact
campanulate flower shape. While it is true that L. bolivianum
is a quite variable species, which sometimes shows characters approaching
those of L. asuntapatense, we consider that the morphological
differences between both forms clearly set these two species apart.
Furthermore, as far as presently known, their flowering seasons
do not overlap. Also, while L. bolivianum has been found
down to 1,050 m in Department of Cochabamba, this is a very humid
region with comparatively low temperatures and correspondingly has
a strongly restricted elevational distribution of vegetation zones.
In the Department of La Paz, L. bolivianum has until now
been found only above 1,800 m, suggesting an altitudinal separation
with L. asuntapatense. L. asuntapatense is quite common
at the type locality, where it is syntopic with Rhipsalis baccifera,
R. cuneata and Epiphyllum phyllanthus. Lepismium
crenatum was found at slightly lower elevations (900 m). This
locality with extensive areas of extremely species-rich forests
has only recently become accessible through the construction of
the road from Charazani to Apolo. Since 1997 settlement along this
road has been threatening the survival of this forest area. Since
the soils of this region (encompassing the mountain ranges of Asunta
Pata and Calabatea, (see Parker & Bailey 1991) consist of highly
erodable loams without a hard bedrock, this region is unsuitable
for long-term sustainable agriculture. We recommend that this mountain
range be formally protected, both for the control of soil erosion
and the protection of the diverse plant and animal communities.
Use potential: Probably high ornamental potential.
Desc from Hunt 2006.
Resembling P. boliviana but branches with more convex to straight
rather than concave margins; areoles very large, woolly (cf. Lepismium
incashacanum ); flowers orange to red with a slight magenta sheen.
email from Frank Supplie
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2002 20:27:41 +0200
Subject: [Rhipsalis] lepismium asuntapatense
Fruit - oblong, 6 - 8 mm long excluding dried perianth, 5 - 7 mm
thick, the epidermis at first
light green, finally whitish and translucent, with the seeds and white
venation visible within,
smooth and shiny, the bracteoles appressed, deltoid. less than 1 mm
long and wide, greenish,
lacking areolar wool; pulp colorless; dried perianth straight. ca.
3 mm long, brownish.
This is the text from the original plantdescription in Bradleya. As
we do get the plant in question in our collection from the material
here described it wonders me according the fruit color. The fruit
in our plant is much smaller, rounder and orange colored instead of
this here above?
I have to say that our plant had also a much paler flower than the
here by M.Kessler photographed plant. The flower was more a salmonpink
flower than the orange. So can that be also a different culture method?
As I had only one plant in my collection I polinated it with Lepismium
monacanthum f. monacanthum
very strange, who can help?
From Bauer in Cact. Syst. Init. 20: 6. 2005
Pfeiffera asuntapatensis (Kessler, Ibisch & Barthlott)
R. Bauer comb. nov. Basionym: Lepismium asuntapatense Kessler,
Ibisch & Barthlott, Bradleya 18: 13 (2000). Holotype: Bolivia,
La Paz, prov. Saavedra, Strasse von Charazani nach Apolo zwischen
einem 1500 m hohen Pass und Pauje Yuyo, 1300 m, 15°2'30"S/68°29'W,
6 June 1997; Kessler 9800 (LBP holo., GOET, K, iso.)
Living material examined: the type collection (cult. BG Gottingen
and in hort. Bauer) and from Bolivia, La Paz, prov. Saavedra, Strasse
von Charazani nach Apolo, am Fussweg von der Strasse nach Pauje Yuyo,
23 September 2001, Krahn 970 (cult. hort. Krahn, Bauer).
Pfeiffera asuntapatensis is related to P. boliviana
(Britton) D. Hunt. However P. asuntapatensis has more convex
to straight rather than concave stem margins (convex: Kessler 9800;
straight: Krahn 970 and a further collection by Kessler (Kessler
9711) from the same area which was erroneously thought to represent
P. crenata). It has very large woolly areoles similar to
those of the only distant¬ly related Lepismium incachacanum.
In the two non-type-collections mentioned here, the areoles can be
smaller and with less wool as well. Occasionally a central spine occurs.
The flowers are orange (Kessler 9800) to red with a slight
magenta sheen (Krahn 970).
Photo, reprinted
with permission from Dr. Ralf Bauer (8/17/01), was scanned from a
periodical, "Epig", in an article by Ralf Bauer. The text
says : "Lepismium asuntapatense, Kessler, 9800, Bolivia, La Paz,
Prov. Saavedra, Street from Charazani to Apolo between a 1500 m high
pass and Pauje Yuyo, 1300m, S15°2'30" W68°29'; in collection