See Korotkova Thesis
Pfeiffera boliviana (Britton) D.R. Hunt in Cactaceae Syst. Init. 14:
18. 2002.
Hariota boliviana Britton in Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 3(3): 40. 1893. Holotype
(syntypes): Bolivia, La Paz, 1890 Bang 601 (US, lectotype K, designated
in Barthlott & Taylor in Bradleya 13:46. 1995.), Rusby 2048 (US,
NY, lectoparatype).
Lepismium bolivianum (Britton) Barthlott in Bradleya 9:89 (1991). Desc
from B&R 1920
- Stems - somewhat 4-angled and narrowly winged at base, setose
at the areoles, the setae 5 to 10, yellowish white, about 2 mm. long;
- Branches - 1.5 to 30 cm. long, flattened and thin, 1 to 2
cm. broad, broadly crenate, the crenations 1.5 to 3 cm. long;
- Flowers - usually solitary but sometimes 2 or 3 at an areole,
about 15 mm. long, one-half to two-thirds as broad, 'yellow' ;
- Fruit - globose, nearly 1 cm. in diameter, truncate at apex.
- Type locality - Yungas, Bolivia.
DISTRIBUTION - Bolivia (La Paz): epiphytic, at c. 1800
m altitude.
Info from Bradleya 13
The sister species of L. paranganiense and likewise variable
in flower color. The flowers are usually whitish, occasionally pinkish
or even tinged intense orange on the outermost perianth-segments.