See Korotkova Thesis 2011
Now Rhipsalidopsis gaertneri (Regel) Linding
Hatiora gaertneri (Regel) Barthlott in Bradleya
5 : 100 (1987) Desc from B&R 1923
- Plant - branches spreading, the terminal ones often pendent; joints usually flattened, but sometimes 3 to 6-angled, fleshy, 5 cm. long or more by 2 cm. broad, dull green except the purplish crenate margins.
- Areoles - small, with short white wool and a few yellowish bristles.
- Flowers - 1 to 3, usually all at distal end of the terminal branches, 4 cm. long, dark scarlet.
- Outermost perianth-segments - usually 5, short, thick, triangular, drying separately from the others; outer perianth-segments spreading; innermost perianth.segments more erect, nearly distinct, acute; all of the segments, except the 5 outer ones, more or less coalesce and withering, remaining on top of ovary.
- Ovary - crowned by a slightly depressed disk or umbilicus with upturned margin, which passes into the flower-tube; on the margin are borne the free stamens; style slender, 1.5 cm. long, red; stigma-lobes 6, linear, cream-colored; ovary dark red, angled, 12 mm. long.
- Fruit - red, oblong, 15 mm._long, depressed at apex, in cultivation ripening in July.
- Type locality - Minas Geraes, Brazil.
While the joints are usually much flattened, yet they are sometimes strongly angled. In some cases too the juvenile growth is peculiar, forming short stubby joints witli closely set areoles, each bearing a cluster of 7 or more bristly spines.
DISTRIBUTION. Brazil (Parana, Santa Catarina): epiphyte in seasonal Atlantic forest, at 350-1300 m altitude.
Reports in the literature of its occurrence in the states
of Minas Gerais and Sao Paulo seem to be incorrect.
Below: Hatiora X gaertneri (copyright KAF, Kew 2006)
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