R. hadrosoma Lindberg
Info in Backeberg's
Lexicon. Reduced to synonymy under R. grandiflora by Barthlott
and Taylor Bradleya 13
- Body. shrubby,
freely branching, creeping, on trees and rocks;
- Trunk l0 - l5
cm long.:
- Terminal shoots,
solitary. or in 2's or 3's, cylindric, to 10 cm long, 1.5 - 2 cm thick,
rounded. truncate above, matt, light green, bristly at first;
- Areoles little
felty, surrounded by a red ring:
- Flowers. lateral,
numerous, to 2 cm diam opening widely,
- Petals. strongly
revolute, white:
- Fruit. to 1
cm diam, dark purple.
- Habitat - Brazil
(Sao Paulo).

R. hadrosoma 60-0070 Brussels BG ©KAF
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