L. marnieranum Backberg.
Descr. Cact. Nov. III: 7.1963.
Reduced to synonymy under Rhipsalis dissimilis f.dissimilis
by B&T Bradleya 13
Desc from Backeberg 1977
- Body laxly branching, erect at first, later ±
arching; shoots dimorphic, in juvenile plants c. 5-6 mm Æ, with
5 low slender angles, areoles crowded, with several erect to appressed
white bristles to 1 cm long later shoots c. 1-2 cm Æ, subterete
at first, then 3~4-angled, these angles sometimes slightly offset and
somewhat prominent towards the areole;
- Young shoots more bluish-green, older ones more dirty
- Areoles on young shoots short and weakly felty, with
small red scales, those on older shoots stout, with dense projecting
tufts of wool to over 1 cm long., at most with solitary bristle;
- Flower concolorous white, l (- l..75) cm Æ,
often paired or in threes, with the ovary sunken;
- Petals. crowded, obtuse, c. 5 mm broad;
- Fruit carmine-pink, subspherical, with dried floral
- Seeds 1 mm long., glossy, black, boat-shaped.
A very characteristic species of which the origin remains unknown. It
has been shown by experiments with seed-sowing at the Botanical Garden
“Les Cedres" that the plants come true from seed.

Photos copyright
KAF 12-07