micrantha (HBK) DC. Emend Barthlott in Trop. Subtrop. Pflanzenw. 10:7
Plant - epiphytic, rarely half-erector mostly pendent 1.5 m long, succulent linear branches growing from the tips, 2 - 3 angled, 7 - 18 cm long and 0.7 - 1.3 cm wide. Areoles
- very small without bristles, with barely visible tomentum. New shoots
with very small deciduous leaf and often with 1 mm long extra nuptial
nectar hairs.
- simple, lateral, on the edges of the branches, whitish hence shiny,
radial, 6 -10 mm , more than half opening. DISTRIBUTION - Costa Rica, Colombia, western Venezuela, Ecuador, northern Peru; near sea level to 2000m altitude Synonym werklei from Costa Rica Related species: R. micrantha f. kirbergii, R. micrantha f. rauhiorum R. micrantha, photo copyright Eddie Huey 2007 |