The Rhipsalis Riddle
- or the day the cacti came down from the trees
Part 2
Dr. Phil Maxwell, Bathgate's Road, Waimate, South Canterbury (Copyright,
February 1999, reprinted with persmission from the author. This article
originally appeared in the New Zealand Cactus and Succulent Journal.) e-mai:l
(c) Vicariance
The vicariance hypothesis implies that Rhipsalis arose prior to the breakup
of Gondwana - or at least before substantial water barriers had developed
between its constituent parts - and had by then spread over much of the
supercontinent. Estimates for the timing of this breakup vary, but there
is a reasonable consensus about the sequence of events, even if the precise
dates are not always known. The following summary is based on that given
in Storey (1995) (Fig. 2). [See Table 1 for the geological time scale.]
The first stage (in the Middle Jurassic, probably between 180 and 160
Ma [million years ago]) seems to have been the formation of a seaway between
West Gondwana (Africa and South America) and East Gondwana (Antarctica,
Australia, India and New Zealand) with Madagascar (which was attached
to India) beginning to part from its original position near Kenya/Somalia.
The second stage (Early Cretaceous, about 130 Ma) saw the beginning of
the split between South America and Africa, and rifting between India
and the rest of East Gondwana. The final stage (Late Cretaceous, 100-80
Ma) was the splitting off of India from Madagascar (and its eventual collision
with Asia), and the separation of Australia, New Zealand and Antarctica
from one another.
At the risk of some over-simplification, the small islands of the western
Indian Ocean, ie the Comores, Seychelles and Mascarenes, can be regarded
as the "crumbs" left behind after the carve-up of the Gondwana
Besides its occurrences in former parts of West Gondwana, Rhipsalis is
also present in Central America, the Greater Antilles and Florida. I suppose
the standard explanation would be that the last two occurrences are the
result of bird-dispersal from South America, and as the distances involved
are not particularly great and there are conveniently placed islands along
the presumed path, this does have a certain plausibility. There are other
possibilities, however. First, the Greater Antilles are thought to be
the remnants of an isthmus or archipelago that formerly existed between
North and South America and was subsequently swept eastwards by seafloor-spreading
commencing in the Late Cretaceous (see Gibson and Nobel 1986: 252, fig.
11.18). The narrow neck of land connecting North and South America at
the present day is a much more recent feature.
According to the scenario advanced here, Rhipsalis had spread into the
rain forests of "proto-Central America" by the Late Cretaceous
(probably much earlier) and was then dispersed by geological rather than
biological processes to its present position on the eastern edge of the
Caribbean, along with several other cacti (eg Hylocereus, Epiphyllum and
Melocactus). The presence of R. baccifera in Florida is particularly intriguing,
as the genus occurs nowhere else in North America. Florida is quite close
to Cuba and probably within flying distance of at least some rain forest
birds, but there is evidence that it is an "exotic" terrane,
a small piece of Gondwana that formed somewhere near Venezuela and later
split off and drifted away, finally becoming "sutured" to North
America (Opdyke et al 1987). Of course the occurrence of Rhipsalis in
Florida may be purely coincidental, but I see it as confirmatory evidence
for the Gondwanic origin of the genus.
If Rhipsalis is a Gondwanic genus, then the cactaceae must have appeared
quite early in the history of the angiosperms (flowering plants), contrary
to the impression given in some popular books that they are a relatively
young group. [The most extreme example of this would have to be the statement
by W.T. Marshall (in Marshall & Bock 1941:1) that cacti are "possibly
as young as ten thousand years"!] Barthlott (1979:39) suggested that
cacti arose in the Cretaceous, but went on to say the "first divisions
within the family probably took place towards the end of the Tertiary
Period" [ie within the last few million years]; unfortunately, he
did not give any reasons for this view, but he may have been influenced
by geological evidence suggesting arid and semi-arid habitats became particularly
well developed during the late Tertiary. He was also very sceptical about
the suggestion that Rhipsalis is a Gondwanic genus, stating that at the
time South America and Africa parted "there was no such plant as
Rhipsalis in the present-day sense" (Barthlott 1979:222). [I refrain
from asking the obvious question!]
Now, there is much controversy about the origin of angiosperms, but all
paleobotanists agree that they were present in the Early Cretaceous, at
about 135 Ma. Most claim that they appeared only slightly earlier than
this, and that there are no reliable pre-Cretaceous records, but there
are certainly reports of considerably older alleged angiosperms extending
back at least to the Middle Jurassic (Bathonian Stage, 168-166 Ma) (summarised
by Shields 1988: table 4), and of pre-Cretaceous nectar-feeding insects.
Ren (1998) recently reported fossil Brachycera (short-horned flies) with
a long proboscis - an adaptation for nectar feeding - from the Late Jurassic
(143-150 Ma) of China and on this basis suggested angiosperms originated
substantially earlier, in the Middle Jurassic (159-180 Ma).
Shields (1988) pointed out the close association between Lepidoptera (butterflies
and moths) and angiosperms and that as the earliest known lepidopteran
is of earliest Jurassic age, he concluded that flowering plants arose
near the Triassic-Jurassic boundary (c. 205 Ma). [He went on further,
claiming that dicotyledons and monocotyledons evolved independently, and
that the former arose in what is now Queensland; ie they have a Gondwanic
origin.] Some authors favour an origin in the Late Triassic (225-205 Ma),
a time when dinosaurs, mammals and possibly birds also appeared (Crane
et al, 1995). The earlier they arose, the easier it is to account for
the present-day distribution of angiosperms in general - not just cacti.
An extreme conclusion would be that Rhipsalis appeared in the Jurassic
prior to rifting between Madagascar and Africa, ie as early as 180-160
Ma, but these two land-masses seem to have remained in close proximity
(possibly even in contact) for a long time afterwards, allowing at least
some interchange of plants and animals.
I suggest that Rhipsalis managed to reach Madagascar and Ski Lanka (and
India?) after the development of the seaway between them and the rest
of East Gondwana (Antarctica, Australia and New Zealand), ie not before
about 130 Ma. This would explain why Rhipsalis doesn't occur in Australia,
despite the presence of apparently suitable tropical rain forests in Queensland,
but of course another possibility is that it did manage to spread across
all of Gondwana, only to become extinct except in the warmer parts of
the supercontinent. Note that the South Pole was close to the southern
edge of Gondwana for much of the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous, and was
not far from its present position in the Lat Cretaceous when Australia
and New Zealand were at high latitudes. I also suggest that Rhipsalis
was present in India, and has become extinct there as a result of climatic
change or through human activity.
An early origin for the Cactaceae is consistent with its current diversity
(about 2000 species in about 90 genera). As Gibson and Nobel (1986: 18)
point out it is a "very large family - one of the largest in the
New world and the second largest family that is essentially restricted
to the New World (second to the pineapple family, Bromeliaceae.)"
If the vicariance scenario outlined above is correct, then not only is
Rhipsalis of great antiquity, but the R. baccifera group is similarly
ancient and is an example of "bradytely", ie unusually slow
evolution. Other examples of bradytely include crocodiles and "living
fossils" such as horseshoe crabs, tuataras and the okapi.
Evolutionary implications
(a) The place of Pereskia in cactus evolution
Earlier I said that other things being equal, the most widespread member
of a group is likely to be the most primitive (or least derived) member
of that group. "What about Pereskia?" is the obvious response.
Surely it is the least derived cactus genus and it or something very similar
must have been the stem-group for the family, yet it is less widely distributed
that Rhipsalis. In fact, Pereskia occurs naturally in Central America,
Cuba and Haiti, and in northern South America, from Columbia south to
Peru and northern Argentina, a geographic distribution not too different
from that of the American species if Rhipsalis. Pereskia and Rhipsalis
species, however, occupy quite different habitats - the former are shrubs,
trees or climbers living in open situations, often with more typical ground-dwelling
cacti, whereas the others are (with a few important exceptions to be discussed
later) epiphytic in rain forests.
It is certainly not difficult to point to primitive characters in Pereskia.
One of the less obvious is the way in which it carries out photosynthesis:
Pereskia exhibits C3 photosynthesis (the metabolic pathway present in
most dicotyledons) rather than CAM (crassulacean acid metabolism) which
is characteristic of other cacti. [there is little doubt that CAM is the
more derived condition, but it seems to have evolved independently in
more than one major group of plants.] However, it needs to be pointed
out that the species currently assigned to Pereskia form a heterogeneous
group with both primitive and derived character-states. The presence of
leaves in Pereskia species is invariably cited as a primitive character,
but the leaves vary greatly in size - from only 1 cm in length (P. portulacifolia)
to 20 cm (P. bleo); most species have a distinct petiole (stalk) but some
are sessile. The stem is non-succulent in some species (eg P. sacharosa),
succulent in others (eg P. pititache) (Gibson & Nobel 1986: 41). Floral
characters are even more variable - some species (P. aculeata) have a
superior ovary (ie with the ovary placed above the stamens and other floral
parts - generally considered to represent the primitive condition in angiosperms),
but in others (P. grandiflora) the ovary is inferior (ovary below the
stamens - the normal condition in cacti.) The flowers may be sessile or
pedunculate, and solitary or in clusters. [They also vary considerably
in colour and size, but probably no more so than in some other cactus
genera.] As Buxbaum (1955:184) noted there is considerable variation in
Pereskia fruits as well - they range in size from about 4 to 60 mm in
diameter, and in shape from spherical to conical (P. bleo) to polyhedral.
Some species have a thick pericarp (the outer coating), in others the
pericarp is thin and the fruit is mostly filled with pulp. Some fruits
are juicy and edible, others hard. Small wonder that some European botanists
recognize a segregate genus Rhodocactus Knuth for those species with an
inferior ovary. For some reason this has never gained general acceptance
among American or British cactologists, but there seems to be some support
for subdividing Pereskia into two or more groups or even subgenera (which
is at least recognition that the genus is heterogeneous).
Then there is the problem of spines. All Pereskia species have spines,
some as long and vicious as almost any in the rest of the family. Now
we tend to take cactus spines for granted and along with the presence
of areoles, pretty well defining Cactaceae, except for a few (presumably
"advanced") genera in which they have become reduced in size
or have disappeared completely. Did the earliest cacti have spines? The
answer depends on whether we can identify the ancestral group for cacti,
or at least its sister (most closely related) group. Gibson and Nobel
(1986: 243-251) discussed this problem in considerable detail and concluded
Cactaceae are most closely related to Portulacaceae, Didiereaceae and
Basellaceae. Portulacaceae - which includes succulents such as Anacampseros,
Ceraria and Portulacaria - is a cosmopolitan temperate to tropical family,
but is best represented in the Americas and South Africa. Gibson and Nobel
(1986:247) point out that the family includes "two aberrant woody
species", the alpine New Zealand cushion plant Hectorella caespitosa,
and the similar Lyallia kerguelensis from Kerguelen Island in the Indian
Ocean. [New Zealand botanists place these species in their own family,
Hectorellaceae, but this makes little difference to Gibson and Nobel's
overall idea.]
The Didiereaceae (including Decaryia and Alluaudia) are confined to semi-arid
regions of Madagascar and include very spiny cactus-like shrubs and trees.
Basellaceae is a small family of vines, mostly from tropical America but
also occurring in Africa, southern Asia and New Guinea. All of these families
have typically small flowers with a superior ovary, but only Didiereaceae
have spines. the fact that the Didiereaceae are restricted to Madagascar
makes it unlikely that this family is the one most closely related to
cacti, in which case the spines have probably evolved independently in
this group.
All this means of course is that the living species of Pereskia have departed
to varying degrees from the ancestral cactus, which I assume was xerophytic
(but had not evolved CAM photosynthesis), had well-developed leaves, lacked
spines, possessed areoles, and had relatively small flowers with a superior
ovary. [Other attributes of the hypothetical ancestral cactus are discussed
in detail by Gibson and Nobel (1986: 235-238), who maintain that it had
spines.] The variation in the living species of Pereskia is hardly surprising
given its assumed antiquity. On present evidence it would take a brave
botanist (I'm neither) to deny that Pereskia (or at least a very similar
genus) is ancestral to other cacti. One who did question Pereskia's place
in cactus evolution was Croizat who had no hesitation in taking on the
whole biological establishment whenever he felt like it. Unfortunately,
he seems to have been influenced more by biogeographic considerations
(the fact that Pereskia is much less widely distributed than Rhipsalis)
than by plant morphology (Croizat 1961:758).
I also said "other things being equal", and of course things
rarely are in the real world. Species (and by extension genera) are going
extinct all the time on a geological scale, and it is possible that Pereskia
was once at least as widespread as Rhipsalis, but has subsequently disappeared
everywhere except in tropical America. There are many examples of once
widespread groups of organisms that have a much more restricted geographic
distribution at the present day, eg coelacanths, rhynchocephalians (tuataras),
and ginkgos. During the Miocene (23-5.5 Ma) eucalypts and acacias flourished
in Central Otago, only to become extinct later, probably in response to
late Tertiary cooling.
An alternative possibility is that owing to its ecological requirements
Pereskia has always been restricted to parts of America and never managed
to spread into Africa (and other parts of Gondwana), either because suitable
habitats did not exist there or because it lacked an effective means of
dispersal. Hallam (1985) reviewed what was known at that time of climates
during the Mesozoic. His maps (Hallam 1985: figs. 7, 8) show most of East
Gondwana as "dry" during the Late Jurassic, but by the Late
Cretaceous the dry areas are restricted to parts of western South America
and western and northern Africa, the remainder being "seasonally
wet" or "wet". Unfortunately, he does not provide a map
for the Early Cretaceous, the period critical to this discussion, but
it seems likely that humid areas increased in extent as seaways developed
between the constituent parts of Gondwana, and East Gondwana moved into
warmer climes. Pereskia may have been prevented from spreading from South
America into Africa because of intervening rain forests, in contrast to
Rhipsalis, which would have found ideal conditions for dispersal.
In the third (and final) part of this article I will discuss the place
of Rhipsalis in cactus evolution and present my ideas on the history of
the family.
Part 3