Originally Lepismium marnierianum (at least in the U.S.), this was reduced to a synonym under R. dissimilis f. dissimilis by Barthlott and Taylor Bradleya
is a pencil type with ribs. If grown properly, the ribs seem to alternate
the way R. paradoxa segments
do but not nearly as prominently. As with other Lepismiums,
the buds grow sunken in the stems. These buds are dark red when tight
but the flower turns out to be a glossy off-cream or off-yellow sometimes
with hints of off-red or off-pink. |
L. marnierianum
Backeberg. Descr. Cact. Nov. III:
- Body
laxly branching, erect at first, later ± arching; shoots
dimorphic, in juvenile plants c. 5-6 mm Æ, with 5 low slender
angles, areoles crowded, with several erect to appressed white bristles
to 1 cm long later shoots c. 1-2 cm Æ, subterete at first,
then 3-4-angled, these angles sometimes slightly offset and somewhat
prominent towards the areole; Young shoots more bluish-green, older
ones more dirty olive-green;
- Areoles
on young shoots short and weakly felty, with small red scales, those
on older shoots stout, with dense projecting tufts of wool to over
1 cm long., at most with solitary bristle;
- Flower
concolorous white, l- l.75 cm AE, often paired or in threes, with
the ovary sunken;
- Petals
crowded, obtuse, c. 5 mm broad;
- Fruit
carmine-pink, subspherical, with dried floral
- Seeds
1 mm long., glossy, black, boat-shaped.
- Origin?
A very characteristic
species of which the origin remains unknown. It has been shown by
experiments with seed-sowing at the Botanical Garden "Les Cedres"
that the plants come true from seed.