Detail from B&T 1995
Rhipsalis parasitica
(Linnaeus) Haworth (Cactus parasiticus Linnaeus, Syst. nat. ed. 10:
1054. 1759
This is based on three elements (a specimen at LINN! and 2 cited illustrations!),
of which two represent orchids of affinity to Vanilla or Campylocentrum,
and the third is a cactus, Rhipsalis baccifera (J.S. Mueller) Stearn.
The Linnaean polynomial could apply to either the orchids or the cactus
element and no attempt at lectotypification appears to have been made
to date. In the interests of nomenclatural stability in both families,
the Linnaean name will shortly be proposed for rejection under Article
56 of the International Code (ICBN Tokyo ed. 1994).