Rhipsalis roseana Berger, Zeitschrift fur Sukkulentenkunde 1: 22. (1923).

Treated as a synonym of R. micrantha by Calvente in Thesis 2010
Reduced to synonymy under R. micrantha f. rauhiorum by Barthlott and Taylor Bradleya 13
  • Plant lower joints flat, 15 to 20 mm. broad, distinctly alternately notched;
  • Areoles small, with a little tuft of white wool and a single short brown hair, 15 to 20 mm.
    apart, the upper ones more closely set;
  • Upper Joints narrower and more linear or linear-lanceolate, 10 to 15 mm. broad and 6 to
    12 cm. long or more, equally notched, smooth, bright green; some of the uppermost joints
    often narrower, 8 to 10 mm. broad and only shallowly notched, others triangular with
    prominent notched angles and excavated sides, others 1 cm. wide, with 3 or 4 prominently
    wing-like distinctly but remotely notched ribs and areoles about 4 cm. apart;
  • Flowers small, whitish yellow.

This species was described from cultivated plants of unknown origin. We believe that it may be from Colombia and we would refer here the following specimens: Wilson Popenoe's No.518 from near San Miquel, Perdoma, Tolima, 1921, and Ellsworth P. Killip's No.8203 trom mountains west of Popayan, 1922.

Mr. Berger writes: "This new Rhipsalis is decidedly distinct from R. wercklei; its branches are shorter, broader, more deeply notched and of a firmer nature. Its growth too is far less quick and it does not form so promptly long and pendent shoots as R. wercklei."

Backeberg’s Lexicon sggests that habitat is Costa Rica

NYBG Specimen



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